Sep 28Liked by Christofer Nigro

Succinctly stated. It's disgusting.

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Why not just call yourself a Marxist instead of rebranding?

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I often do call myself a Marxist. It's very applicable, as are other terms. Classical Leftist is one. Post-capitalist is another. Post-duopoly is yet another. And so is Socialist and egalitarian. These various brands intersect with each other neatly.

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Sep 28Liked by Christofer Nigro

This specific comment brings me this thought. I think all the words get in our way. Definitions are a huge problem because many are uneducated. In addition, many groups share different and individual perspectives.

tRump is inept and not very good at the verbal deceptions. The Republicans have massively organized over many years. They prop up their views.

The Dems. are better at verbal deceptions. Much of it depends on the ignorance of followers. Fear is also a big factor. Would you concur?

Short version: We can reach others by simplifying and defining these terms. Thanks.

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28Author

I do agree with you that definitions have become problematic in the past few decades, with many disparate political ideologies claiming certain labels despite supporting mostly different, and sometimes greatly opposing, ideologies & principles. Terms can be hi-jacked by various groups with bad intentions so they can then "hide" behind that term and attempt to gain support from groups and individuals who have traditionally opposed their ideology.

As good examples, terms like "Marxist" and "socialist" have been used by numerous political ideologies since before the 20th century. SJWs have, unfortunately, successfully used these and other terms to infiltrate the institutions of the Left to promote an authoritarian agenda of hatred & intolerance in the name of inclusion and tolerance.

We can come up with new terms, and I think that becomes periodically necessary. But those terms too can eventually be hi-jacked. And of course, new terms to more clearly delineate what someone stands for when older terms have been hi-jacked and commonly misappropriated will not always catch on with a wider public.

Hence, one must always examine the words and policies promoted by anyone that uses terms connected to a lofty set of principles commonly accepted to mean specific things. Otherwise, we risk falling into a situation where terms lose all meaning and words can mean whatever the person using them wants them to mean.

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Sep 28Liked by Christofer Nigro

Exactly. Current example: tRump and the Republicans calling Democrats leftists, Marxists and communists. Now that's insane. The uneducated folks lap it up. Very sad.

Thanks for the chat. I think you're quite smart. I love semantics and find punctuation baffling. 😉

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