I can't say I agree 100% with everything you say, but you do make some good points, especially about identity politics being a toxic zero-sum game, and how war is a racket, as Major General Smedley Butler said nearly 90 years ago.

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Thank you for reading and for liking. It's fine to disagree, of course, but everything I said was actual fact and not just opinion in terms of Biden's past conduct; his actions compared to Trump's (they are comparable, not superior on either ethics or pro-working class policy); and the reasons why all the usual excuses to keep voting for billionaires as long as they run as a Democrat is no longer working to compel vast swaths of workers to put their faith in these corporate shills yet again.

And frankly, supporting an obvious dementia patient for the Oval Office has taken this circus act to another level of profound, head-shaking silliness that would be hilarious if not for the precedent that sets on politics and the potential consequences for the world. But on the bright side (and there almost always seems to be one, right?) this spectacle has proven beyond any measure of doubt what a sham the election process is, especially after the DNC decreed there would be no primary and the dementia patient is *officially* pre-selected so he would get no pretend-challengers. So, the establishment -- along with the liberals and dissonants -- are using this cognitively afflicted man as a tool in a likely futile attempt to keep Trump from winning. And while it could be argued that being used this way in the twilight of his life couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, the working class certainly doesn't deserve this.

Here are the uncomfortable facts for you to ponder again: Working class people in large numbers noticed that their lives did not get better economically under Biden. Instead, it got worse as the price of just about everything continued to skyrocket and what the available, largely gig-oriented jobs will pay typically got much smaller. Numerous workers are priced out of the housing market and often have to pick and choose between buying groceries, paying the phone bill, and paying the rent. Do you seriously think people in this state are worried about Trump or identity politics?

The common, tired excuses like "He inherited a mess from the preceding [Republican] administration!" is not going to work anymore because the economy was no better and no worse for the average worker under Trump than it has been since the crash of 2008 (which we can largely thank Democrat Bill Clinton for due to his repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act). The exceptional matter for Trump's administration was the COVID pandemic, and Biden actually did *less* for us than Trump did (who didn't do nearly enough for us as it was) and the Dems botched the whole thing as badly as the Repubs did with their lockdown frenzy and insistence that we all take multiple doses of an experimental vaccine. And you want us to still vote for these fools, right?

Workers no longer want excuses, they want *results.* Hurling emotional invective at the Republican boogeyman to paint him as the new Hitler when the Dems are overseeing a truly remarkable assault on Democracy; starting more & more wars (Trump was the only president in recent memory who started no new wars, and the working class took notice of this in contrast to Obama before him and Biden after him); and they couldn't help noticing that the billions Biden poured into the war machine in regards to Ukraine but *not* into the pockets of workers wasn't successfully obstructed by Republicans despite the protests of several of them due to the fact that the hefty fund allotment wasn't first discussed with them. Funny how they didn't obstruct him on that like they always successfully seem to do for pro-working class policies.

The Repubs obstructed Biden on the empty promise of college debt relief because, as usual, Biden *made certain* they would obstruct the insultingly meager relief package by means testing it via the CARES Act of 2020, thus ensuring it would get tied up in court and thwarted, rather than immediately signing it into law via the 1965 federal Education Act, which he could easily have done instead. And this was something Leftist journalists were *warning* him about the very moment he announced that he was using the CARES Act for that purpose! He helped the Repubs kill that relief package, as meager as it was, because he didn't actually want even that paltry measure to pass. So, he deliberately did it in a half-assed way that he could then blame the Republicans for... again.

And he didn't have to remove the moratorium on the debt payments that Trump put down during the pandemic. But he did, and now many workers are again saddled with these debt payments. And of course, Biden's supporters predictably fell back on the "He tried, but those damn Republicans...!" excuse *again.*

People notice these patterns, and as I said, they are *sick* of it. Politics is not an emotionally charged sports game equivalent to the average worker like it seems to be for liberals and dissonants. Workers are not going to be unconditionally loyal to the Dems in the same sense that they are to their city's football team. They do not want the mere emotional gratification of a victory over some evil boogeyman figure, they want *relief* from their mounting economic issues and the prospect of a third world war, and they know Biden will not give that to them with another four years just as Obama didn't give that to them during *eight* years in office after his supporters likewise used that tired old "he inherited a mess from the Bush administration!" excuse.

You can blame the Republicans all you want; you can claim (against all available evidence) that the Dems at least want to do these things for us but can't because of that damn elephant in Congress, but either way they have proven *useless* to us. Workers do not care any more what these billionaires in the donkey wing of the duopoly may or may not think about social issues or about working class people etc. They simply know the donkey billionaires will *not* give us the results we need more desperately than ever before, and that is now showing in the polls.

So, if you insist on not breaking away from the Dems, then go ahead and vote for that dementia patient, that's your right. But the only thing you're going to get if Biden wins is a measure of emotional gratification, much as you would get if you beat me during a video game match of "Mortal Kombat." And with the same degree of relevance to either of our lives in terms of economic health or respect for our civil rights.

But in terms of objective reality, it makes no difference to either of our lives which of these capitalist clowns wins this sham election. The end result will be a win for the capitalist class, not for us. You should honestly opt for that game of "Mortal Kombat" to get your emotional gratification fix, because at least in that case the stakes will not be nearly as high, either for us or the working class as a whole.

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